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School Closure Policy

The School Closure Policy in times of inclement weather and hazardous conditions has the safety of all members of the school community as its main purpose. The school takes the responsibility for the safety and welfare of pupils and staff very seriously. When making any decision to close the school a number of factors have to be taken into consideration.

  • Road access for emergency vehicles.
  • Safety of the school site and car park.
  • Ability of enough staff (to meet required safe staffing levels/ratios) to get to work without putting themselves at risk.
  • Ability of pupils and parents to get to school without putting themselves at risk.
  • Advice from the local authority.
  • Advice from the emergency services.

In the event of a school closure due to inclement weather conditions or other emergency, the school will take the following action:

  1. The CEO in consultation with the Headteacher, takes responsibility for any decision to close the school  - where possible the decision to close will be made at/around 7.00am on the morning of closure, or maybe the night before, depending on conditions.
  2. The CEO & Headteacher will consult appropriate staff at Christ Church School before making an informed decision to close the school. All staff will then be notified that the school is closed.
  3. Parents/carers will be informed of school closures via email & text.
  4. Arrangements for severe weather may include later start times (after 8.40am) and/or early finishes (before 3.15pm), depending on guidance from weather forecasts and local conditions.
  5. In the event of inclement weather affecting the normal operations of the school, it is likely that childcare services offered before & after school (breakfast club & afterschool club), including externally run extra-curricular clubs, will be cancelled. Parents/carers must be prepared to make alternative childcare arrangements in the event of school closures.
  6. Home Learning will be set for children if the closure is likely to last more than one (1) school day, so work will be organised & communicated home from day two (2) of any prolonged closure. This will be communicated via class teachers using Seesaw.

Parents must allow time for the message system to filter through before making additional phone calls or setting off for school.

Please remember that any calls made to the school office number may not be answered due to staff not being able to get into school. An answer phone service is provided for 'out of hours' calls.

Any decision to close the school is a serious one and not taken lightly. The school will stay open if it is safe and possible to do so.