Governing Body
Governor Welcome
The role of the Local Governing Body is to work in partnership with the Headteacher and senior staff at Christ Church School and with the Chess Valley Primary Learning Trust of which we are part. Our overall aim is to promote the best interests of all pupils at Christ Church. In particular, the governors have responsibility for overseeing the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school, as well as its financial performance. A large part of our job is to support and challenge school leaders to deliver the best possible educational experience.
The Local Governing Board meets as a whole at least once a term and there are a number of Working Groups that convene more regularly to focus on particular issues. The Governance Structure at Christ Church, and the relationship between the Local Governing Body and the Chess Valley Primary Learning Trust, is set out below.

Chair of Governors
Chair of Governors
The Chair of Governors is elected by the governors and is responsible for chairing meetings of the Local Governing Body, setting the agenda for meetings (together with the Headteacher) and reporting to the Trust Board on relevant matters.
The Chair of Governors at Christ Church is Stephen Jarmain. Stephen lives locally in Chorleywood and is an elected parent governor, with two children at Christ Church. Stephen is a barrister practising in family law and has an academic background in child psychology.
Stephen’s particular roles within governance are on the Governance, Leadership and Development, Finance and Resources and People working groups.
Vice Chair of Governors
The Vice Chair is elected by the governors and is responsible for deputising for the Chair and assisting in the leadership responsibilities of the Local Governing Body.

Vice Chair of Governors
Zainab joined the Local Board of Governors in 2019. She is a Chartered Secretary specialising in Corporate Governance. Zainab lives in Rickmansworth with her husband and 2 children and attends Christ Church Chorleywood. Zainab is also vice chair, member of the Governance, Leadership and Development working group and the safeguarding governor.
Foundation, Community and Church Governors
Foundation Governors are appointed by the Trust on the recommendation of the local governing board, based on their specific knowledge, experience and skills and following an interview and referencing process. One of our governors is nominated by the clergy at Christ Church and provides an important link between the Church and the school.
Our Foundation, Community and Church Governors are:

Foundation Governor
Coralie Naalchigar has been a governor since 2018.Coralie has lived in Rickmansworth for many years and is a Foundation Governor. Coralie has a background in teaching, specialising in SEND. Coralie's particular role within governance is SEND and Inclusion.

Foundation Governor
Rachael Speirs has been on the Local Board of Governors since 2019. Rachael lives locally in Chorleywood and is a Foundation Governor, and had one child who previously attended Christ Church. Rachael is a practising solicitor with an expertise in banking regulation and governance.
Rachael is currently serving as Chair on the People Working Group and has also chaired the Admissions Committee.

Community Governor
Deborah Roberts lives in Rickmansworth and joined the Local Governing Body at Christ Church in May 2023. Currently, she is a visiting tutor for The University of Buckingham, mentoring students who are training to become teachers. With twenty years working in education in the Primary sector together with four children of her own, she is equipped with the experience and knowledge to oversee Education and Standards at Christ Church School. She also supports the Admissions and Attendance Working Group as necessary.
Charlotte Pratt
Parent Governor
Charlotte is an elected parent governor at Christ Church and joined the Local Governing Body in October 2024. Charlotte lives in Chorleywood with her husband and two children. Charlotte studied at the University of Cambridge and later qualified as a solicitor specialising in commercial real estate. After working in the law for almost a decade, Charlotte is currently on a career break to spend time with her young family. Charlotte’s particular role on the Local Governing Body is Development, Communication and Community including fundraising.
Staff Governors
The two Staff Governors are the Headteacher Mrs Selleck (ex officio) and Assistant Headteacher Mrs Allaway (elected).

Ex Officio
Sarah Selleck has been a long-standing staff member of Christ Church School since 2006. She was appointed as Head of School in September 2019 and, since January 2023, as Headteacher. Sarah has been a Governor since 2012 . Her role is to report to the governors, work with them to develop strategy and to implement the strategic framework established by the Local Governing Body (LGB).

Relevant information in relation to the Local Governing Board can be found here:
Local Governing Body Constitution
- Christ Church Chorleywood C of E School Local Governing Board Membership
- Christ Church Chorleywood C of E School Declarations of Interest
Copies of Local Governing Body minutes are available on request. Minutes are redacted to remove any matter which, by reason of its nature, the governors or trustees are satisfied should remain confidential.All our governors are DBS checked. Any enquiries of the governors should be directed in the first instance to the school office.
Chess Valley Primary Learning Trust
Trust website